lauantai 14. toukokuuta 2011



You may think what means animecon, but let me explain to you ^ ^
It means that in Turku is coming a huge meeting for those who love manga and anime! There will be people from all over the Finland. And the best thing there is that you can cosplay there. The cosplays idea is that you wear there your favorite anime/manga character.  
But when I looked at the animecons websites I noticed that now there is the theme of myths and virtual reality. In fact, I planned to dress as one of the pokemons character ^ ^ But it's still a secret what character ;)))  and there is more different things like you can buy manga, hats, clothes, CDs and DVDs (and they all usually associated with manga or anime) and there is a cosplay competitions. So anyway, it is the best! <3 But if you want to know more about it, then go to Google search box and search animecon ;)  
-Here some picks about cosplay-

 Bye Bye ^^

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