torstai 9. elokuuta 2012

Sweet day!

Few days ago my father turned 53 and I made to him a cake! It was soooooo hard! :P I did 3-layer cake witch was quite difficult... I thought first it would be easy... But, it turned out that it was much harder XD I made quite cute cake (my opinion) but I destroyed our microwave and our oven... And only when I tried to melt chocolate XD (Y) (Yeah, I'm usually a very great cook when it comes to desserts, but when I try to do something to the easiest way it'll blow up... I never learn that -.-') Buuuut! Here are some pictures ^^ Oh jeah! And I''ll teach how to do it too ;D Enjoy! ^^

First you make the cream for the cake (if you bought the cake base from the shop)

Now, you moisturize the cake with orange juice. Pour the juice just a little bit with a spoon.
For the first layer I shredder a white chocolate ^^

So now I put on the first layer the juice, cream and white chocolate.

After all that I sliced some strawberries.

And put those in the cake :)

Do the all same for the second layer, but for this layer I changed the white chocolate for ordinary brown chocolate :)

And now I put the third layer and the rest of the cream all over the cake ^^

And just for the cute look I sliced the strawberries really thin.

And now you just decorate ^^

<3 !!!VOILÀ!!! <3

And here is my dad :DDD ! 

So! Hope you liked it! ^^

Bye Bye <3

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